
PANEL: “Türkiye-CERN Relationships on the 70th Anniversary of CERN and the Role of Ankara University” Live Broadcast

Our panel on "Türkiye-CERN Relationships on the 70th Anniversary of CERN and the Role of Ankara University", which will be held on May 9, 2024 within the body of our Dean of Research, will be broadcast live on the "AUARDEK Ardek" Youtube channel of our Dean's Office starting from 13:30. Channel Link: https://youtu.be/zK2-50CMRU8

PANEL: “Türkiye-CERN Relationships on the 70th Anniversary of CERN and the Role of Ankara University” Live Broadcast2024-05-19T22:58:38+03:00

The 4th Interactive Coffee Day Interdisciplinary Studies Under One Roof

The 4th Coffee Day Event under The Dean’s Office of Research and Research Projects Support Office, themed “digitalization”, will be held on January 30, 2024, at the Faculty of Educational Sciences in cooperation with the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Communication. All researchers of Ankara University are invited.

The 4th Interactive Coffee Day Interdisciplinary Studies Under One Roof2024-04-02T18:11:59+03:00

1001 – The Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program

As Ankara University, 6 of our projects were funded by 1001 2022 (2. Period), and the number of projects to be re-assessed for funding after the second assessment was 9.   We would like to thank our academicians Assoc. Prof. Başak Şit İMAMOĞLU (SOBAG), Assoc. Prof. Erkan TUNCAY (SBAG), Prof. Hilmi Burak KANDİLCİ (SBAG), Lecturer Dr. Mohammadreze DASTOURİ (SBAG), Assoc. Prof. Özgür BAŞTÜRK (MFAG), Assistant Prof. Serdar YEŞİLYURT (ÇAYDAG) whose projects was accepted.

1001 – The Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program2024-04-02T16:03:39+03:00
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